Finishing year...

The year is finishing the same as our semester. Ayelen was a hard challenge for these novels developers. Create an animation was more challenging than we expected. Our artistics skills have improved so far, but in the begining of the project were not the skills Ayelen needed to make a quick and clean work that leaded us to complete the game prototype into the same semester...

And so came the doom. Today, the limit day, we learned a lot about unity prefabs. We destroyed Ayelen character overwriting it with the enemy character... and our deadline was moved to january 20... and our performance score... just the necessary to not fail.

=== Here the MoveSet

=== Here the ApocAyelenYpsis 

there you can see the misprite ex-Ayelen as the enemy, an simple Ayelen animation, and how Unity just pauses for the crashes it found :[

Till next time.

Happy holidays! :)

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